
Donate Funds

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.”
Proverbs 19:17

There are a number of ways you can financially support TLC’s mission to help qualified families and individuals in need:

Donate By mail

Send your check, payable to: THE LORD CARES at P.O. Box 1457, Darlington, SC 29540.

Donate in Memory or Honor of Someone

What better way to celebrate a special occasion or honor the memory of a loved one than with a financial gift to TLC. Contributions may be made to TLC in memory of loved ones and friends, as well as Honorariums to special friends or family members for Birthdays, Anniversaries or other Milestones.

Planned Giving

By including the Food Bank in your will, trust, insurance, annuities or other estate plans, you leave a legacy that will help feed the next generation. For more information, contact us or call 843-395-1001.